A top ranking university got in contact with Pearn Kandola for bespoke unconscious bias training tailored to different demographics – academics, support staff, and students. They wanted the training to meet these needs and work within their working days.
We created workshops to cover all the essential aspects of bias whilst tailoring the content, such as the case studies, to work for the different participants. The training for students covered biases when choosing who is or who isn’t in their project groups and by being mindful of the need not to let these biases affect their choice of who they work with they are in fact likely to end up with better quality projects. For staff, the training covered how not to bring biases in recruitment, academic promotions, and marking.
Not only was the training tailored to the audience it was also engaging. It included a quiz, videos, and was designed to stretch and challenge the participants.
The training was a success – the university are now looking to scale these sessions within the university.
“I think the training is successful because it’s short, to the point, fun, and memorable.”