NFU Mutual are experts in insurance and financial services. Discover how we helped them to develop their network of leaders.
NFU Mutual asked us to provide leadership development support and direction to their network of over 350 SME businesses that provide insurance advice, financial consultancy, and community services to regional customers.
We were tasked with helping these businesses to grow and develop, either independently or through merger. We used our expertise to evaluate their leadership and management structures, guiding their teams through ongoing mergers and supporting leaders in developing their plans for accelerated growth and sales.
Working with an agency undergoing a merger, our approach centered on people: supporting team performance and leadership development within each business.
Over 12 months we coached business leaders on how best to manage change and how to build clear structures within the organisation.
We facilitated team events to restructure and redefine roles and responsibilities, leading to greater clarity and motivation across the business.
We provided 360° insights, psychometric data, and business analysis activities to fuel personal growth.
As a result of our work, structural changes were implemented that heightened the agency’s capacity to deal with their uplift in both staff and customers.
The agencies were very receptive to coaching and, through gaining new insights into their leadership behaviours, each business leader was able to cope more effectively with the pressures of post-merger adjustment period.
Additionally, leaders displayed an enhanced presence of mind, improved communication skills, and the confidence to embrace the new partnerships and trust the merger process.
The structures created under our guidance are still in place, demonstrating their lasting impact.