Global Taxonomy: Financial Services

Leadership Development Across a National Business Network

NFU Mutual are experts in insurance and financial services. Discover how we helped them to develop their network of leaders. Challenge NFU Mutual asked us to provide leadership development support and direction to their network of over 350 SME businesses who provide insurance advice, financial consultancy and community services to regional customers. We were tasked […]

Recognising the importance of D&I with a UK Private Equity Firm

As part of the wider ESG agenda, a UK Private Equity Firm wanted to recognise the importance of D&I; both within their own business and within the companies in which they invest. A key objective for 2020 was to raise awareness of D&I across the Firm and to start conversations on bias and inclusion which […]

Understanding Bias at NFU Mutual

NFU Mutual wanted all their recruitment managers to be equipped with a full understanding of bias, how it affects their recruitment processes, and how to effectively manage it. Solution Pearn Kandola designed and delivered engaging two-hour workshops, which were attended by over 600 managers and leaders. The workshops raised awareness of how the recruitment process […]

Embedding long-lasting behavior change at HSBC with Inclusive Leadership

Objective The objective set by HSBC was to simply support their organisation’s senior leaders in having a demonstrable impact on the levels of diversity within their teams and across their functions. HSBC asked PK to develop an Inclusive Leadership program, based on our extensive research on how to make a genuine difference and to have […]

Embedding long-lasting behavior change at HSBC with Inclusive Leadership

The objective set by HSBC was to simply support their organisation’s senior leaders in having a demonstrable impact on the levels of diversity within their teams and across their functions. HSBC asked us to develop an Inclusive Leadership program, based on our extensive research on how to make a genuine difference and to have maximum […]

Tailored unconscious bias training for 3i

Unconscious bias was not a new concept to 3i. Most of their employees had already had training on unconscious bias and its implications. However, they wanted to go a step further – they wanted training that enabled their leaders and managers to make meaningful and positive progress on the Diversity & Inclusion strategy by actively […]

Creating strong leaders with NFU Mutual

Pearn Kandola has been working with NFU Mutual since 2012 on an ambitious programme to develop its agents into strong leaders. Many of the participants have said it is the best training they have ever experienced, and it is producing tangible results in terms of attendees taking action to improve their businesses. Determining why agencies […]

Bank of Ireland streamlines succession planning

Achieving business goals is easier when you know where your management strengths lie. Bank of Ireland worked with Pearn Kandola to benchmark people in its talent pool and map out clear development paths for them. It is now confident that it’s investing development resources in the best candidates, and in the most effective way. Aveen […]