Global Taxonomy: Professional services

Ernst & Young progress diversity through Mirror-style e-learning programme

Taking inspiration from Pearn Kandola’s Mirror workshop, Ernst &Young (E&Y) is educating its managers to become more aware of personal bias and its impact. The professional services firm has seen immediate and direct results – both in the workplace and beyond – from introducing this innovative and interactive training programme. A key outcome of encouraging […]

PwC raises awareness of personal bias

Strongly committed to diversity, PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) aims to increase the number of women partners in the firm. Pearn Kandola’s Mirror workshops are playing a part by making senior managers more aware of how personal biases can influence decision making. PwC has worked with Pearn Kandola for a number of years to promote diversity and cultural […]

For PwC better coaching means better performance

With a strong coaching culture, people and companies aim higher and achieve more. Managers at PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) are getting more out of coaching and being coached thanks to a development module developed by Pearn Kandola. The ‘Coaching and Performance Management’ module is a core element of PwC’s Business Diploma, a broad-based development programme run in […]

WorleyParsons’ global leaders embrace inclusive leadership and bias awareness

In 2013 WorleyParsons, a leading provider of engineering, procurement and construction management services to the resources and energy sectors, asked Pearn Kandola to deliver a leadership and unconscious bias programme for their most senior leaders. The result was a one day bias awareness and inclusive leadership training workshop delivered by Binna Kandola between March 2013 […]

Arup moves forward through better bias awareness

Engineering and consultancy services firm, Arup is improving career opportunities for women through a development initiative designed and run by Pearn Kandola. Linked in to Arup’s inclusive leadership development programme, it encourages senior staff to recognise their own unconscious biases and teaches techniques to counteract them. Arup introduced the unconscious bias and one-to-one inclusive leadership […]