Global Taxonomy: Transport

Understanding bullying and harassment in CLSICO

Most service providers only offered half a day “familiarisation” on harassment and bullying in the workplace. China LNG Shipping (International) Co Ltd (CLSICO) was looking for a supplier, who understood them as a business, to deliver bespoke training, to specifically recognise if and when harassment and bullying is happening in their workplace – a marine […]

Written by on April 29, 2019

Better awareness brings changing behaviour at the Department for Transport

An individually-tailored version of Pearn Kandola’s ‘Mirror’ Workshop is helping The Department for Transport (DfT) to fulfil a key commitment to train senior staff in diversity. Early indications are that the workshop is successfully challenging and changing people’s behaviour. The workshop, which is essential training for 200 of the DfT’s top tier staff, reflects typical […]

Written by on July 9, 2018