This report analyses the diversity of award nominees and award winners for the Oscars, BAFTA film and TV, and the Brits. To our knowledge this is the first time that a comprehensive analysis of entertainment industry awards has been carried out.
By examining the awards overall we can see distinct patterns that emerge:
- Minorities are under represented in all of the major performing categories for each of the awards
- For the acting awards minorities are significantly under represented
- However they are more likely to be nominated and win awards in categories other than the most highly regarded ones.
This report highlights the significant steps yet to be taken to ensure that minority talent is recognised and developed appropriately. This is both in front of and behind the screens. It would be beneficial to look at how the Brits have achieved this level of progress and to see whether the BAFTAs can learn anything from this. The key issue for the Brits would appear to be in the production categories rather than the performers.