After spending a substantial amount of time at your workplace, it’s common to develop a close friendship with a colleague. Whether it’s sharing daily routines like the coffee run or engaging in friendly chats over lunch, these connections often go beyond the boundaries of the office.
Such friendships can offer more than just workplace camaraderie; they provide a support system and a confidant, making the daily grind more manageable. However, people rarely stay with a single company throughout their entire careers. So, how do you handle it when your work friend reveals their resignation plans?
Psychologist Stuart Duff, Head of Development at business psychologists Pearn Kandola, highlights the significance of these relationships: “We all have them and we all feel better for them, yet workplace friendships are often not taken particularly seriously. Frequently kept under the radar or seen as just a nice thing to have, very few people talk about the importance of these relationships.”
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